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In a Meeting

Are you ready to start a nonprofit?

Before you launch your nonprofit, there are five things you should consider. 

Join Jurema Gorham as she discusses each component to help you determine if you are ready to start a nonprofit. By the end of the workshop, you will have a clarity of what your next steps should be.


Q1 2024


  • Saturday, April 13, 2024 |  from 11 am to 12 pm

  • Saturday, May 15, 2024  |  from 6 pm to 7 pm

  • Saturday, June 15, 2024 |  from 11 am to 12 pm


  • $75 (virtual workshop)

  • $100 (virtual workshop + 30 minute consultation)

Here's What Attendees Had to Say About the Workshop

Chrislin Flanagan

Jurema's workshop was spot on! It not only answered all of the necessary questions to "are you ready to start a nonprofit?", but it also spoke to things we may not think about. Jurema is knowledgeable, professional, and "real". If you have questions about the nonprofit sector, THIS is your workshop and Jurema is your girl.


The workshop was informative and touched all of the main questions a newbie would have for a nonprofit. Jurema explained every topic thoroughly.

N LaQuis Harkins

I thought I was more "ready" than I actually am. That's ok because the info presented showed me that a slightly different path may be for me and my plan.

Kimberly Evans

I left feeling empowered. I am now aware of my next steps and have the courage to keep pushing.

Casilya Smith

The Are You Ready to Start a Nonprofit workshop was transformative! The insights provided were ones that we won't find just searching the web or by asking the average person. I feel like my mindset has shifted as a result of attending this workshop and I am ready to do the hard, but impactful work to get my vision off the ground and to have a nonprofit that lasts!

Robyn Underwood

I want to encourage all young believers around the world to never give up, especially if they feel stuck or unsure of where to begin. The answer lies with Jurema. Back in 2019, I started a nonprofit organization with the intention of making a positive impact on my community and sharing meaningful experiences with my son. While I achieved some success, the lack of a solid plan made it difficult to maintain consistency. I had no structure, no timeline, just a vague goal. Despite the occasional successful event, it wasn't enough. Thankfully, Jurema came into my life and helped me identify the issues I was facing and provided insight on how to strengthen my foundation. I am incredibly grateful to have crossed paths with this amazing individual, and I believe you would benefit just as much. Don't miss out on this opportunity.

Scimone Williams

Jurema did a great job providing personal examples from her own experience. She did not gatekeep. She is knowledgeable and offered information that is holistically useful regarding knowing if you're ready, how to start in addition to providing unspoken secrets and resources.

Tyiesha Drane

I was very pleased with the workshop, Jurema was able to provide and explain a lot good information on starting and maintaining a nonprofit with all the do’s don’t’s and things your organization needs to consider if you are an entrepreneur of any kind .

Tamieka Hardy

Taking the workshop is my mind significantly about how to approach starting a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) entity. The information was relatable and transferable to me as an entrepreneur.

About the Instructor:

Jurema has worked over 20 years in the non-profit sector. In 2018, she founded Burst Into Books and has grown it to a six figure organization. With over 15 years in education, she uses her expertise to help leaders design clear plans that lead to impact. 

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