Intensive Workshops
A full-day of intensive workshops to help you understand the entire process of building a non-profit organization.
There will be 3 individual workshops each day with 30 minutes break in between. Attendees can pay $250 for all three workshops or attend individual workshops for $100 each.
All attendees will have access to video recordings of the workshops that they paid for up to one week after the intensive workshop.
Intensive Workshops #1
Date: Saturday, November 4, 2023, from 10 am to 2 pm CST
Cost: $400 (All three workshops) or $150 a la carte
Location: Zoom Webinar​
Workshop #1
Funding Game Plan 101
Time: 10 am to 11 am CST
Distinguishing the difference between programs, services and initiatives
Building a operational budget from $0
Building Your Network
Workshop #2
Building Your Crew 101
Time: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm CST
How to effectively build your board
*required documentation (i.e. bylaws, conflict of interest agreement, etc.)
Common mistakes when establishing your board and team
Your team: staff, volunteers and contractors
Strategies in selecting an all-star crew
Templates for by-laws, interviewing and role descriptions
Workshop #3
Establishing Partnership
with Schools
Time: 1 pm to 2 pm CST
Relationship Building with Schools
Best time to pitch your programs and services
Diversification in schools (i.e. public, charter and private schools)
Homeschool community
Intensive Workshops #2
Date: Saturday, December 2, 2023 from 10 am to 2 pm CST
Cost: $400 (All three workshops) or $150 a la carte
Location: Zoom Webinar
Workshop #1
Funding Game Plan 201
Time: 10 am to 11 am CST
Preparing for City, State and Federal Funding
Financial planning for scaling
Importance of checks and balances
Diversifying your funding sources
Workshop #2
Scaling Programs, Partnerships and Media 201
Time: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm CST
Revamping Programs, Services and Initiatives
Evaluating Impact: Ways to Measure Progress
Expanding partnerships with other businesses and corporations
Building Your Media Presence
Workshop #3
Marketing & Storytelling
Time: 1 pm to 2 pm CST
Must do’s for marketing startups
The art of storytelling in your business
How to build out your marketing plan
Marketing expert panel: Q & A session
Building Your Social Media Presence
Presentation is Key: Website, Business Copy and Promotional Materials
Culture Setting: Becoming an Influencer in Your Business